Event Speakers
Here are our distinguished speakers
LuigeVladareanu, Ph. D. Eng.
President of the
Romanian Robotics Society, Bucharest Branch,
Director of
Robotics and Mechatronics Department,
Director of the
Innovation and Technological Transfer Center CITT-ROB.TA
Senior Scientific
Researcher of the Romanian Academy
Member of the American-Romanian Academy
Member of the
International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, Auburn
University, USA
luigiv@arexim.ro; luigiv@imsar.bu.edu.ro,
Brief Profile
received Ph.D. degree in electronics field from the Institute of
Solid Mechanics of Romanian Academy, in 1998. From 2003, Ministry
of Education and Research, executive Department for Financing
Superior Education and of Scientific University Research - High
Level Expert Consulting for MEC/CNCSIS project, from 2003-2005,
member of Engineering Science Committee of Romanian National
Research Council, from 2005, Scientific Researcher Gr.I
(Professor) of Romanian Academy, from
2009 Head of Robotics and Mechatronics Department of Institute of
Solid Mechanics, Romanian Academy. His scientific work is focused
on real time control in solid mechanics applied in robot
trajectory control, hybrid position – force control,
multi-microprocessor systems for robot control, acquisition and
processing of experimental physical data, experimental methods and
signal processing, nano-micro manipulators, semiactive control of
mechanical system vibrations, semi-active control of
magnetorheological dissipaters systems, complex industrial
automations with programmable logical controllers in distributed
and decentralized structure. He has published over 35 books and
book chapters, 11 edited books, over 200 papers in journals,
proceedings and conferences in the areas. Director and coordinator
of over 15 grants of international and national
research – development programs in the last 5 years, 15 invention
patents, developing 17 advanced work methods resulting from
applicative research activities and more then 60 research
projects.He is the winner of the two Prize and Gold of Excellence
in Research 2000, SIR 2000, of the Romanian Government and the
Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation. 9 International
Invention and Innovation Competition Awardsand Gold of World’s
Exhibition of Inventions, Geneva 2007 - 2009, and other 9
International Invention Awards and Gold of the Brussels, Zagreb,
Bucharest International Exhibition. He received “TraianVuia”
(2006) award of the Romanian Academy, Romania’s highest
scientific research forum, for a group of scientific papers
published in the real time control in the solid mechanics. He is
aCorresponding Member of the American Romanian Academy and he is a
member of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration
(IIAV), Auburn University, USA (2006), ABI´s Research Board of
Advisors, American Biographical Institute (2006), World Scientific
and Engineering Academy Society, WSEAS (2005), International
Association for Modelling and Simulation Techniques in Enterprises
- AMSE, France (2004), National Research Council from
Romania(2003-2005), etc. He is a PhD advisor in the field of
mechanical engineering at the Romanian Academy. He was an
organizer of several international conferences such as the General
Chair of four WSEAS International Conferences (http://www.wseas.org/conferences/
2008/romania/amta/index.html), chaired Plenary
Lectures to Houston 2009, Harvard, Boston 2010 and Penang,
Malaysia 2010, Paris 2011, Florence 2014, Tenerife 2015 to the
WSEAS International Conferences, is team leader of WSEAS
scientific research project: Mechanics & Robotics Systems and is
serving on various other conferences and academic societies, Vice
President ICCMIT 2017, Warsaw, Special-session chair ICCMIT 2017,
Warsaw, ICCMIT 2015, Prague, ICAMechS 2012-2016, Tokyo, Beijing,
Melbourne, Editors-in-Chief of the Proceedings of the Annual
Symposium of the Institute of Solid Mechanics and Session of the
Commission of Acoustics, Romanian Academy, 2007-2016.
Prof. Luige Vladareanu, Ph.D.
President of the Romanian
Robotics Society, Bucharest Branch,
Director of Robotics and
Mechatronics Department, Romanian Academy, Institute of
Solid Mechanics,
Director of the Innovation and
Technological Transfer Center in Robotics and Advanced
Technologies CITT-ROB.TA
Corresponding Member of the
American-Romanian Academy,
Member of the International
Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, Auburn University, USA
Sensors Editorial Board Member ,
'Intelligent Sensors' Section,
, IF 3,275
Editors-in-Chief of the
PROCEEDINGS „The Annual Symposium of the Institute of Solid
Mechanics and
Session of the Commission of
Acoustics”, Romanian Academy scientific sponsor, SISOM 2007 to
2020, ISSN 1843-5459 (2007-2014) & ISBN 978-1-59973- 480-4, USA
Editorial Board Member of the
Romanian Journal of Technical Sciences, Applied Mechanics, SSN:
26015811 (Print), e-ISSN: 2601-582X (Online),
Editorial Board Member of the
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, An International Journal in
Information Science and Engineering, ISSN (print): 2331-6055, ISSN
(online): 2331-608X, IF 1,739,
Special Issue Editor, Guest
Editor of the Sensors journal, Advanced Intelligent Control
through Versatile Intelligent Portable Platforms, Sensors journal,
ISSN 1424-8220, IF 3,275,
Print Special Issue Flyer , 2019
Special Issue Editor, Guest
Editor of Acta Electrotehnica, PROCEEDINGS, SISOM 2015, vol. 57,
nr. 1-2
2016, SISOM2016, vol. 58, nr.
1-2, 2017, SISOM2017, vol. 59, nr. 1-2,2018, SISOM2018, vol.
60, nr. 1-2, 2019, SISOM2019, vol. 61, nr. 1-2, 2020, ISSN
IFToMM Member, International
Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science,
VLADAREANU Luige (Romania) (iftomm.net)
President, Keynote Speaker and
Special Session Chair of the International Conference on Robotics
and Solid States, ICRSS’20 &ICCMIT 2020, Athens, Greece, 1-2 April
Vice-President, Speaker and
Special Session Chair of ICCMIT 2019, Vienna , Austria, website:
https://www.iccmitconference.net/ ,
Coordinator Director of
PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4-2009, no.9/2014, 2014-2017
Coordinator Director of „Joint Laboratory
of Intelligent Rehabilitation Robot” collaborative research
project between Romanian Academy by IMSAR and Yanshan University,
China and Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's
Republic of China, MOST of PRC, STAP-DC project No. KY201501009
Romanian Partner Director
Romanian Partner Director of
H2020 RISE, SMOOTH project,
Coordinator Director of TOP
MetEco AMBIENT project (http://www.fonduri-ue.ro),
POC-A.1-A.1.2.1- D- 2015, ID
P_39_383/2016-2018, Project co-financed by the European Regional
Development Fund through Competitiveness Operational Programme
Chair of SISOM 2016
Special Session Chair of ICAMECHS
2016, Melbourne, Australia,
Special Session Chair of SKIMA
2016, Chengdu (http://fusion-edu.eu/SKIMA2016/organisationcommittee/
Vice-President, Speaker and
Special Session Chair of ICCMIT 2017 (http://www.iccmit.net/index17.html
Vice-President, Speaker and
Special Session Chair of ICCMIT 2018
luigiv2007@yahoo.com.sg ,
Tel: +40744 75 6005 , Email:
luigiv2007@yahoo.com.sg ,
luigiv@arexim.ro , www.vipro.edu.ro